Creeper's Lab Companion

The Creeper's Lab Companion is our utility app, full of useful information and conveniences. As its name suggests, once installed (or accessed online), the Companion's goal is to assist you in finding the information you need. That way, you don't need to browse the full website and interrupt your play!
The Companion currently lets you do the following:
- Browse through the news
- Run searches on players, news, wiki, forums
- View the maps easily
- View the list of online players
- Login to your account
- And more!
You can get it now from the main app stores, or directly access the online version. More features will be added over time, so keep an eye out for future developments!
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Enabling notifications
After installation, you can choose to enable notifications to get a ping whenever news get posted. Open the installed app, then access the Settings page to turn these on.
On some platforms, the option might not be offered if you have an ad blocker installed. Disable it for the page or app, then reload to see the option. The Companion does not contain any ads.