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January 2022

22 January 2022 at 18:44
New Companion features!
From Doctacosa

The Creeper's Lab Companion, our app offering access to a set of useful features, has received its first major update since its launch! Within, you will now find two new sections: schedule and voting.

The schedule section will display the current server time, just like Java players can see in-game on the Tab menu, along with the list of events scheduled to happen in the future. This makes it easier to plan out when to meet with other players.

The voting section was requested by a few and lists the various servers lists on which you can vote for the Creeper's Lab daily. As a bonus, if you're logged in, it will automatically fade out the lists for which you've already voted on for the day!

If you already had the Companion installed, the changes are now live. If you'd like to download it, or learn more about it, then read on! It's accessible on Google Play, iOS, Microsoft Store or directly on the web.

More additions and improvements are set to happen later. If there's one feature you'd really like to see, please let us know!

12 January 2022 at 19:17
Event: Bullseye!
From Doctacosa

Schedule some time for the newest competition, for Groovy is ready to showcase his latest game - Bullseye, which is archery-based!

The event will take the form of a small tournament, where as many players as possible are invited to enter! This will begin at the start of Events Night, 9pm Eastern Time this Saturday. No special equipment necessary, just show up North of Central, near Dripleaf Spleef. The game will be explained once you're there, it's simple to grasp!

The top three competitors will earn the following:

  • First Place: 25 Merit Points. 3 Merit Vouchers.
  • Second Place: 15 Merit Points. 2 Merit Vouchers.
  • Third Place: 5 Merit Points. 1 Merit Voucher.
Read on for the details
5 January 2022 at 20:06
Guild Specialist Tasks and Upgrade System
From Twixxi

Have you reached Master level in some of the Guilds and are looking for a new challenge? Are some of the Master-level rewards just not cutting it any more? Then the new Specialist Tasks and Upgrade System might be just what you're looking for!

Players who have reached Master level in one of the Guilds can now look in the Hall of the Masters, found on the upper level of the Gondwana Guildhall. Inside you will find the Guild Specialists, who have a set of big tasks for you to complete. Finish all five to be rewarded with a Platinum Coin, which you can use to upgrade certain Master-level Guild Rewards.

Please note that progress on these tasks will not begin to be counted until you push the button to sign up, and you must be a Master with the appropriate Guild to sign up. It is expected that these tasks will take you (well, most of you) quite a long time to complete, so these tasks do not change or reset each month. You can take as long as you need to complete them.

A full list of available Upgrades is available on the Forums here.

Haven't started your journey with the Guilds yet? A full guide is available here.

Hall of the Masters

2 January 2022 at 2:00
New science plus monthly challenges update
From Doctacosa

Welcome to the new year! With a new year comes a new month, with a new month come new challenges, and the Horsemen have something else on the menu. Read on!

New science areas: Isle of Insanity and more!

Time for something new in Science for the new year; but instead of one thing, how about three! Isle of Insanity, Frank's mini-Horseman Area; The Science Isles, an in-between archipelago of a few islands belonging to various challenge areas; and the new upgrade system!

The Isle of Insanity has long been teased, and is now ready for it's first phase of release, with the surface of the area ready for challengers. You may notice a few structures as you explore the islands, as an insight to the next phase (or two!) of releases!

One structure for sure you don't want to miss, Frank's Forge opens with the new Upgrade System, housing the upgrade for the Diamond Dragon's Claw toolset into the Netherite Dragon's Claw toolset! Along with this, there's many stations in the forge to place all manor of blocks on your head! Have the block in your main hand, have nothing else on your head, and click the button! Instantly, your face is now in an ice cube. Or honey block.

Along with this new upgrade system, the Science Isles opens with it's own isle unique to the area; the Sky Pillar. Within this island you can find Ivaldi's Dragon Forge, which houses upgrades for the (Iron) Dragon's Claw Toolset, the Gold Dragon's Claw Toolset, and the new (wait, whut) Netherite Dragon's Claw Toolset!

Both these new areas are accessible via the Events Nights Cannon from the citadel, via the overworld at these map links, or in the case of the IoI, via Nether. More details to come, and more features to these two areas to be released over the coming months, so stay tuned!

Sky Pillar Frank's Castle

Kenorland: Race Away!

The goal of Race Away is simple: run East on the X axis, as far as you can, and cover more distance than the others. The higher your ranking, the more points you earn! If you die, you get sent back ALL the way to the beginning, so slow and steady might be a better strategy than fast and furious.

This month's map features the brand new AMPLIFIED world generation of 1.18, navigating the landscape will be key! You can freely move on the Z axis between -1000 and 1000, beware of the bouncing world border beyond that. /pos on could be a useful tool to keep track of your position.


Jack Torrance and Red Rum make their way back into the Hunter's Lodge for the beginning of the year! Stop on by to defeat them along with John Madden (In loving memory of the real John Madden 1936 - 2021) and the Bagel Man!

New Horsemen Quests are also available, with the addition of a fifth group for Frank! As a new convenience, you can now easily @-summon the Horsemen from the in-game chat: @famine, @conquest, @war, @death and @frank are waiting to validate your items! See the Horseman Points Guide for an in-depth look at the quests, points, and how to cash them in.

If you're interested in becoming a Horsemen Acolyte, you need to submit an application every month to gather your tokens! To do so, visit the Horsemen island at the Creeper Citadel.


As with every new month, the guilds have new targets. You have until the end of this month to complete them and claim your tokens!

Don't forget about the suggestion boxes in Gondwana's Masters Guildhall! You can submit your proposal for future targets, by placing either a sample block, item or a named piece of paper.

New apprentices, you start in Laurasia's Guild in Central, then gather points to work your way up to Rodinia, Superia, then Gondwana. Once you have been granted the rank of Master, you can obtain Council Tokens from the Master Guilds in Gondwana. These can be traded for special rewards back at the Council Chamber, at the Creeper Citadel. Each guild on each world also has its own range of rewards, so browse through to find what catches your eye!

If you need details on any of these, the wiki page about the Monthly Challenges is updated as soon as each of these is ready at the beginning of the month!

Read on for the details
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