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1 December 2024 at 15:43
December events and challenges
From Doctacosa

It's time to start our December specials! If you've been around for a while, you have an idea what to expect. If you're newer, well, read on for the fun details!

  • The Advent Calendar returns
  • Christmas cards coming up
  • Death Seeker in Kenorland
  • Guilds

Advent Calendar

A favorite of many is coming back this year: the Advent Calendar! As before, there is a mix of new and returning items to be scored daily.

For those not familiar with it, the concept is simple: go there every day, get a gift, and repeat daily starting today up until (and including) Christmas! The rotation happens every day at around midnight, Eastern time.

The Loyalty Baubles are still in play, too! Every day that you visit the calendar, you'll get your gift alongside a token. As tradition requires, a new tool has been added to the shop, which can be purchased with your baubles. Previous tools are also back, so you have to make a choice on what to get!

If you had any Loyalty Baubles left from last year, they are still accepted.

If you miss out on some items, every week, the Grinch will be there to cover you - for a price. However, the Grinch pledges loyalty to no one, and there will be no catching up on the extra rewards!

This is located in Central's Seasonal Park. From Grand Central Station, in the basement, use the Residential Line until you're next to the snowy park. Alternatively, walk West from the station, passing in front of the Community Centre then turn to the North. Follow the trail of gifts and candles!


Special thanks go to Twixxi for setting this up, extra efforts were required this year due to changes to Minecraft's internals!

Christmas cards

Christmas cards! Want one? Doctacosa is bringing them back once again!

Visit the giant mailbox right next to the advent calendar, submit your mail address, and get a signed Christmas card in the mail from me soon(-ish) after! I'm sending these worldwide. There is a limited quantity available, and it's first come, first serve, so don't forget to do this early to secure yours!

If you can't get in-game, you can also use this special page on the forums to submit your address.

Please note: Canada Post is currently on strike, with no end in sight. While I'm able to prepare the cards, I'm not able to send them at the moment. The backlog of mail will also cause everything to be delayed once the service resumes, so don't be surprised if yours comes in much later than you'd expect.


Kenorland: Death Seeker!

Death Seeker returns to Kenorland! Your goal is to trigger as many different death messages as you can. This round, being killed by different mobs will count as separate entries. As always, nametagged enemies won't change anything: their base name is what counts.

Merit Points will be awarded in decreasing order based on the amount of unique death messages gathered: the player with the highest score will get 30 points, second place 29, and so on until the 30th player with 1 point.

Monthly handicap: ten times the amount of hostile mobs as normal; no End!


The Hunter's Lodge is not currently available, pending updates.

Submit your name for progression as a Horsemen Acolyte every month, from the lobby! Earn Acolyte Token to gain access to various perks, such as exclusive areas and access to the Horsemen chat. Join the fun!


The new targets are live. You have until the end of this month to complete them and claim your tokens in each world! Gondwana's Specialist tasks are also back! Any progress you might have done during the downtime was still counted; go to the back of the guildhall to check on your progress.

The latest targets aren't to your liking? All players can choose to drop suggestions in Laurasia's guildhall for the next month!

If you need details on any of these, the wiki page about the Monthly Challenges is updated as soon as each of these is ready at the beginning of the month!

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