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27 November 2024 at 21:51
Now running 1.21.3!
From Doctacosa

All of our game servers have been updated to Minecraft 1.21.3! This adds support for bundles, salmon variants, babies of some aquatic mobs, new banners and more. Make sure to update your client to the newest version to really be able to enjoy these!

And since I had a few questions about the next update...

The next game update, with the Creaking and pale garden, is set to release next week, on December 3rd. While we add support for the new version as soon as possible, to let people join no matter what version they're playing, actually updating the game servers takes more time. We need to review and adapt to any technical changes ourselves, then we need the various tools and plugins we rely on to be updated by their respective authors. That's why there's always a delay between a game release and us being able to enjoy it.

Thank you for your patience!

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