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3 May 2024 at 16:56
Summon people to play minigames!
From Doctacosa

You want to play some TNT Tag or racing, but there's nobody to play with? We've got a solution for you: a recruitment system for all minigames! /join and /recruit will be your two new best friends.

The lobby area of each minigame now has a summon that lets you invite everyone to join you, even if they're in other worlds! When a call has been sent, anyone interested can type a simple /join to join you! If multiple calls have been sent, a simple command like /join tnttag will let people choose.

You want to send a call without having to travel? You can do /recruit <game> from any location, for example /recruit racing. If anyone answers, you can easily go there yourself with a /join without having to go through the lobby!

Have fun!

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