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21 October 2023 at 16:18
Introducing Osmium!
From Doctacosa

Do you like earning achievements and tracking your progress? Do you play games on multiple systems and platforms? Would you like to get an overview about all this in a single location? Then discover the latest creation of Doctacosa - Osmium!

Osmium is a new system designed to let you track your achievements and gameplay statistics, combining multiple sources into one. You have games on both Steam and GOG? View all your progress in the same place! Of course, your favorite (and not so favorite!) Creeper's Lab achievements are also included in the mix! Soon enough, consoles, MMOs and more will be added.

Interested? It's easy to get started! Check the networks in your Interordi Account to make sure that your information is up-to-date, then login to Osmium to start importing your data. You don't even need to create a new account!

You're welcome to discuss this, or ask any questions you might have, on the newly created forum and Discord channels!

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