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20 December 2015 at 20:22
Contractors Evening results!
From Doctacosa

Last night's event took a bit of time to get started, but once things went underway, lots of fun and deaths happened... as we were hoping! Details below from Link, plus a Miranda-related PSA!

Several players attended and died for their love of... I dunno, I told them to kill each other! Seven players paid their admissions and fought bravely in PvP and Spleef until victors were chosen. Our brave fighters were; DrCossack, Toad_, MurderMerls, axe_y, Beetledoze, Primagen102, and Coneva... Our victors, however...


3rd: DrCossack
2nd: Beetledoze
1st: axe_y


3rd: Toad_
2nd: Coneva
1st: axe_y

axe_y chose the wither fight after spleef and came out victorious, the other winners gained prizes in the previous post.

I thank everyone who played and hope you all had fun, hope to see you at future events and just around the server.

As a side note, for those of you playing on Miranda, a segment has been opened on the message board for all Miranda related materials. You can post ideas, events, etc there.

- Masterlink

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