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2 April 2016 at 16:03
Servers updated to 1.9.2, Mu launched
From Masterlink

All survival servers have been updated to 1.9.2! This new version is backwards compatible with 1.9, so you can either stay on the old version or switch your Minecraft client to use the latest. Jumping over to 1.9.2 is still recommended so you get the latest bug fixes!

Mu launch

In other news, Skreelink has added something on his side of things: the return of the cinema server, now known as Mu!

For those not in the know, the cinema server allows several people to come online together, stand in a purpose-built theater, and watch a movie at the same time as other players! This is done through a special server and client mod allowing web pages, including video sites such as YouTube, to be displayed in-game.

Due to this special requirement, it's not possible to directly move from the Creeper's Lab or Miranda to Mu. Instead, you need to download and install a special Minecraft client running 1.7.10 and use that to connect to a dedicated address. The all-in-one setup makes it easy to get going.

This forum topic has all the detailed information you need, including how to install the modified Minecraft client, create your own cinema buildings and screens, and more!

In addition to Mu being launched, Miranda and Ouroboros have also been updated to 1.9.2.

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