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1 July 2024 at 13:16
Monthly challenges update: July 2024
From Doctacosa

Happy mid-point of the year! New challenges are now live, although some are still inaccessible due to the update to 1.20.6 (which is a different type of challenge!).

  • Breaking Bed
  • Hunter's Lodge
  • Horsemen Quests
  • Guilds tasks


Breaking Bed returns! As before, your goal is to break one of each color of bed. Good luck finding the materials to make this happen! This time around, there's a small change to this world. Tiny, even. Hint: slabs are your friends!

Unlike previous runs, breaking a bed will NOT drop it as an item, so it's no longer possible to share a single set between players. You need to complete the task on your own!

Each different color is worth 1 Merit Point, for a maximum of 16.


The Hunter's Lodge is not currently available, pending updates.

Submit your name for progression as a Horsemen Acolyte every month, from the lobby! Earn Acolyte Token to gain access to various perks, such as exclusive areas and access to the Horsemen chat. Join the fun!


The guilds have new targets available. You have until the end of this month to complete them and claim your tokens in each world! You can also continue progressing on Gondwana's Specialist tasks. The targets aren't to your liking? All players can choose to drop suggestions in Laurasia's guildhall for the next month!

If you need details on any of these, the wiki page about the Monthly Challenges is updated as soon as each of these is ready at the beginning of the month!

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