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September 2021

29 September 2021 at 22:52
Sponsored events in October - Extended bonuses!
From Doctacosa

Many of you enjoyed the player-run events that we had in September. With the success of this new model, Sora and I have decided to extend the special rewards for any events run throughout October! That's double the usual Merit Points and Vouchers for any event sponsor, plus bonus Horsemen Points!

While most choose to run their events at the start of Events Nights, on Saturdays, this is not an obligation: you can choose any date and time of the week that suits you. If you'd like to run one, pick a template that interests you, then read the instructions at the top of the page to reserve a time and date. Future events will be posted about in this space.

As a reminder, this is for play events - building contests have different guidelines.

Read on for the details
28 September 2021 at 22:00
A voting option for Bedrock players!
From Doctacosa

Some of you already know that you can vote for the Creeper's Lab on various servers list. In exchange, you can earn a Merit Point. So far, this only worked for Java Edition players, and our Bedrock players had to do without. Well, not anymore!

After some additional work, there's now a voting option dedicated to people playing on Bedrock Edition! It's a single list for now, but it works just like the others: visit it, enter your player name as it appears in-game, click the "Vote" button, and you're done!

As a reminder, if you vote on at least half the lists for your platform, you earn one Merit Point. You can do this every day, so the points can add up quickly if you do the effort! Plus, this gives the Creeper's Lab an extra bit of visibility, helping us to recruit new players, so it's a win-win!

In-game, typing /vote will give you the list. You can also browse on the website in Basics -> Help & contributions, then scroll down to get all the links you need.

23 September 2021 at 23:15
Event: Spleef at Carnival Island!
From Doctacosa

For our next event, we're going with a Minecraft classic - spleef!

You're invited this Saturday to a Spleef Tournament at Carnival Island! This will begin right as Events Night starts, at 9pm Eastern time, so don't be late. You don't need to bring any special equipment. If you don't know how spleef works, don't worry - it's easy! Just show up, and someone will be happy to explain it to you.

The top three competitors will earn the following:

  • First Place: 25 Merit Points. 3 Merit Vouchers.
  • Second Place: 15 Merit Points. 2 Merit Vouchers.
  • Third Place: 5 Merit Points. 1 Merit Voucher.
Read on for the details
16 September 2021 at 21:22
Event: PvP at Orist's!
From Doctacosa

Those itching for more battles have a new opportunity coming up!

You're invited this Saturday to a Battle Royale PvP Tournament, this time at Orist's Arena! This will begin right as Events Night starts, at 9pm Eastern time, so don't be late. For the sake of keeping the fight balanced for everyone, no science-grade equipment will be allowed. Bring your best vanilla gear!

The top three fighters will earn the following:

  • First Place: 25 Merit Points and 3 Merit Vouchers.
  • Second Place: 15 Merit Points and 2 Merit Vouchers.
  • Third Place: 5 Merit Points and 1 Merit Voucher.
Read on for the details
13 September 2021 at 21:46
Build contest: An underwater base!
From Doctacosa

It's time for a new building contest, with a fresh concept! StTheo invites you to build none other than an underwater base, made out of multiple interconnected modules.

The top three winners can win 50, 30 and 15 Merit Points respectively.

The contest starts today and will last three weeks, thus ending on Monday, 4 October. Get in early to showcase your creativity!

Here's StTheo with the full details and rules.

Read on for the details
9 September 2021 at 21:47
Event: Chicking!
From Doctacosa

Chickens, chickens everywhere! They're out of control! Can you help gathering and sorting them out?

Join us this Saturday, at 10pm Eastern time, for a few rounds of Chicking! In this game, chickens float down from the sky, and four competing players must use fishing poles to gather them on their side of the arena. This mayhem can get frantic very quickly!

The amount of rounds will be determined based on the amount of participants; the event should last around an hour. The top three winners will earn the following:

  • First Place: 10 Merit Points. 2 Merit Vouchers.
  • Second Place: 5 Merit Points. 1 Merit Vouchers.
  • Third Place: 3 Merit Points.

I hear a rumor that a surprise will also happen in the same night, so be sure to join us for some fun!


Read on for the details
2 September 2021 at 17:36
Event: PvP at Wildwood Arena!
From Doctacosa

If you've been thinking that we haven't had a good PvP battle in a while, the wait is almost over!

You're invited this Saturday to a Battle Royale PvP Tournament at Wildwood Arena! This will begin right as Events Night starts, at 9pm Eastern time. For the sake of keeping the fight balanced for everyone, no science-grade equipment will be allowed. Bring your best vanilla gear!

The top three fighters will earn the following:

  • First Place: 25 Merit Points and 3 Merit Vouchers.
  • Second Place: 15 Merit Points and 2 Merit Vouchers.
  • Third Place: 5 Merit Points and 1 Merit Voucher.
Read on for the details
1 September 2021 at 22:26
Monthly challenges update: September 2021
From Doctacosa

Kenorland: Breaking Bed, take 2!

After all that grinding last month, it would be nice to have a chance to rest, wouldn't it?

This month's challenge is a return of Breaking Bed, under a different formula, with the same goal: find and/or craft each bed color, then break it. Each differently colored bed broken is worth one Merit Point, for a possible total of 16.

To the opposite of the previous run, there are no bed superbosses, so that's one thing you don't need to worry about. There could be something else in all that dirt, though...


Gothmog and his minions are trying to steal the Declaration of Independence so I must steal it first! Stop the Balrog and Nicolas Cage from stealing the Declaration of Independence! Beware of the BEEEEEES!

All Horsemen Quests have also been updated. See the Horseman Points Guide for an in-depth look at the quests, points, and how to cash them in!


As with every new month, the guilds have new targets. You have until the end of this month to complete them and claim your tokens!

New apprentices, you start in Laurasia's Guild in Central, then gather points to work your way up to Rodinia, Superia, then Gondwana. Everyone else, all four guildhalls are now available to you, should you have unlocked the access.

Once you have been granted the rank of Master, you can obtain Council Tokens from the Master Guilds in Gondwana. These can be traded for special rewards back at the Council Chamber, at the Creeper Citadel. Each guild on each world also has its own range of rewards, so browse through to find what catches your eye!

If you need details on any of these, the wiki page about the Monthly Challenges is updated as soon as each of these is ready at the beginning of the month!

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