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30 November 2016 at 22:55
Misc. corrections
From Doctacosa

Achievements fixes

Some of the achievements weren't working quite right when they were added. Some were identified and fixed quickly, while others took a bit longer. As of tonight, I've reviewed the list and can say that all of them should be running as expected. I had to change three of them to trigger properly; they now read as follows.

Wings!: Find an elytra
Cart Snob: Ride 2 kilometers on a horse
Cart Hater: Ride 50 kilometers on a horse

If you had already scored any of these, you still have them. For anyone else, if you already met the base conditions, you'll automatically score them soon after you connect to any server.

Resource pack updated

The resource packs and addons have been updated for Minecraft 1.11. They contain nothing new, the only change was to remove the warning about incompatible packs. As such, you can redownload them to get rid of the warning, or just carry on with your day.

Forums are back online!

Many of you noticed last week that the forums had been taken offline for several days. This was done to make sure that no messages would be lost during a server transition. This wrapped up last Sunday, and the forums are now back to normal!

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