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20 June 2016 at 10:16
Event: Thunder in the Mausoleum
From Doctacosa

New message, straight from Master of the Withers Skreelink:

As the final brick was laid in the Mausoleum of Theoderic... A rumbling was felt from the bowels of the stone. The digging... The building... The ravaging of contestants before completion... All of these have awoken something terrible.

Now the Mausoleum is under seige and threatens to be torn down, returned to the ground upon the structure was torn! We're calling all heros to aid in the defense of this glorious building! All fighters, rangers, sailors.. Anyone who can take up arms to fight this battle, we're in need of assistance.

The dangerous flooded halls are perilous to all those who heed our call, and the risen, boiling, blood of the earth remains under the tears of the skies. If ye shall fall, surely thou will burn. But fear not! In this land, even the fallen may rise back up to again take on the beast! We require all hands, all willing and able. You must fight together to bring down the creature that has been awoken from the depths...

Archers take your bows, tear the creature from the skies so our able sailors can meet our foe in the waters to get close enough to end the scourge... Sending it back to the flames that forged it!

Please, we beg of you! Lay down your picks and shovels, grab your swords and bows... Help us save this precious structure and together earn victory! We either win together or fail together! We all must act as one.

Be quick, the earth shakes in anger, we never know what else may come. Please remember to aim carefully as well, else you may harm the very friends you fight beside!


To commemorate the completion of the Mausoleum of Theoderic, I'm inviting everyone to work together by land and sea to fight a wither (...heh "a wither") in the new arena. In this event, there are no winners, there are no losers. Everyone must work together and either earn the prize for all, or nobody.

Everyone must choose to split between archers on the sides and fighters in boats with swords. Too little of one could spell doom for all. We'll need equal parts if we plan to bring them down, but try not to hit those beside you! PvP is enabled, so you might strike down your friends.

But, with no winners or losers, who gets what? If you succeed, every participant earns a full set of diamond armor, diamond sword, 5 lapis, and 50 levels to enchant everything with.

If you fail, participation nets you twenty levels, and ten iron blocks for at least answering the call of help.

Remember; in this event, everyone works together... Win together... fail together... Work as a team. There is a lot to lose if you fail!

As you know, there is lava under the water, so if the wither falls, it's likely the star is lost, BUT to the brave hero who is close enough might CATCH the star, they may keep it!

The event lasts an hour, if you fall, change positions. If you're an archer and you're killed, grab a boat and pull out your sword. You have any number of chances to do this, however. But please, try to remember to swap between deaths!


This event will take place during a special instance of Events Night, this Wednesday the 22th at 9pm Eastern time. Steel yourself for the upcoming challenge, and we'll see you there!

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