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April 2012

13 April 2012 at 21:42
New ops and YouTube reporters!
From Doctacosa

First of all, a big Thank You to everyone who rised up to the opportunity. While I can't pick everyone all at once, I'm very happy to know that many of you want to take a bigger role in helping this place get even better over time!

I'm happy to announce that the following 4 people have been nominated to help with the server!

  • Server operators (ops): ADeadlyFish and WindRider739!

  • YouTube reporters: Krodane and SuperMonkeyBoy!

  • Everyone, please check your board private messages for detailed instructions! And congratulations!

4 April 2012 at 20:53
Help wanted!
From Doctacosa

As the server's community is growing, and to help it go even further, I'm looking for a few people to help. Namely:

  • One or two operators to supervise the current and new players. Ops are responsible to make sure that everyone is aware of the rules and follows them, and provide help and pointers to new and current players as needed.

  • One YouTube reporter extraordinaire to post videos and promote the server. We have a YouTube channel currently sitting unused, and I'd like to have someone record scenes from the server, do mini-guided tours, showcase the community and promote the place all around!

I'll be considering only people who are already registered on the server at the time of this writing. If you are interested, please send me a private message on the forum or shoot me an e-mail. The same goes if you have any questions on this.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to step forward!

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